
Hari buka puasa ;D (Muti goes to the bank)

It was the 1st of October when suddenly i realized that i only got 240Y left in my wallet. Crap.

I still had some dollars with me, but i didn't like that i've spent almost 1300Y before my first month. I started to think what have i bought... what places i've been visited... umm...

The conclusion was that, i only got 140Y to live until the 14th of October, because i would use the other 100Y to pay for the Great Wall trip. Remember everyone, it was the 1st of October. Then i had to spend only 140Y for 14 days. I need to use not more than 10Y per day. (Oh, 1-8 Oct was the National Holiday, and the school didn't serve the food during the holiday. Double crap).

Well, actually, i managed to survive during MY financial crisis. I will give you the tips in another post. There was unexpected thing happened when my yi-ka-dong was out of credit, so I needed to refill it. I needed to pay 20Y for this. Okay, plan changed. I will save it until 12th of October. Humph.

October 12th 2009

I did it, everyone! i survived! i even still had some yuan in my wallet. But i seriously needed to go to the bank and exchange some money. So there i went. I went to Xidan because i knew there's a lot of bank there. I chose EXIT B, because it was written that Bank of Communications is somewhere nearby.

I asked two polices where the bank is, and they pointed to the wrong direction. Then i went to the Xidan street. I was going around the block while i only needed to walk few metres to reach the bank!. But it was blessing in disguise. Xidan street is now one of my favorit place in Beijing. There's a lot of interesting thing there. I will tell you in another post.

Ok, i managed to find the bank. The Bank of Communications. I've practiced some conversations that i can use to exchange money in the bank. Thank you for www.nciku.com!

Here are some phrases and words that you can use for this occation:
"Wo yao huan qian" (I want to exchange money)
"Meiyuan huancheng renminbi" (dollar to yuan)
hu jiao= passport
huilu= exchange rate

I highly recommend Bank of Communications. The employee are so nice and helpful. I didn't have long queue, and they didn't need a long process to echange my money. Huff,, now that i have money, i breath again. It feels like i was breaking the fast, heheheu. Owyah, Bank of Communications is located beside Beijing Books Building. It's pretty easy to find.

(Sbenerny pgn foto2 di dlm bankny, tp takut dtangkep... heheheu)

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